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John Ayo    

#1 Travel Wellness Expert

John Ayo is an Internationally recognized keynote speaker, wellness expert, sales specialist and author. He was a successful sales rep that survived in the super stressful technology sector with IBM for 19 years, then moved into sales training and meeting planning internationally for 12 years.

His book, "Travel Balance" helps people stay energized and balanced while traveling. He has spoken to thousands of people in 26 countries sharing his secrets to staying sane and healthy in a crazy world.

Speech Topics

Wellness In The Storm

Discover the one simple change that will drastically improve your health!; Optimize your health around technology; Learn the best ways to get your energy and balance back; Maximize your immune system's ability to keep you healthy; and Learn how to make sense of the chaos and fear.

Travel Health - Secrets to Stay Healthy on the Road for Sales Professionals

Wellness Magic…Secrets for Energy, Vitality, and Longevity

From Travel Hell to Travel Well: Inside Secrets to Stay Energized, Healthy and Balanced When You Travel

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